And the gloves come off!

Everyone who knows me will fully understand how I can’t let this go; it’s just not my nature.  At present, I’m blessed with 121 Followers and, once this post hits the web,  if I’m left with only 2, so be it.  It will only prove my point about people not wanting to face the truth about their shortcomings and each will continue to live with their heads up their rear ends. 

Enjoy and prosper in your ignorance!

Somewhere, almost everywhere, villages are missing their idiots.  Most of these wayward morons make their way to decent communities where, sadly, they procreate and further their idiocy.

School is back in session and with it, the juvenile politics that affect so many children.  It never changes.  I lived through it growing up when I attended a parochial school that was in a predominantly Irish parish.  I was…Italian/English and a scant amount of Irish, a “mutt”, a minority in the eyes of the other kids as well as  the Ursuline nuns who were our teachers.  Worse yet, my father was a non-Catholic.  Each and every day, I stood, humiliated, while the daily prayers always included a special request to God for “the conversion of Patricia’s father”.

Dudes!  Hello?  He didn’t want to become a Catholic!

That was another thing.  Patricia is not my legal given name.  It’s Patty Ann but, the holy women felt it had Pagan overtones so they insisted on calling me Patricia and forced me to write that name on all my papers.  However, we had a “Bunny” in our class with some special Papal dispensation that allowed her to be addressed as such because she and her parents were pure-bred, with papers, and big contributors to the school.

Where am I going with this?

Right here > to this rant about….Passive Bullying, a term that I’ve coined and, if anyone uses it, you damn well better get my permission first! 

PB is torment that takes on a more distant approach but is still devastating to the person tagged for the abuse.   It’s a behind-the-back gossiping, hair-tossing, eye-rolling assortment of malicious behaviors that are part of adolescent physcological warfare directed at some unfortunate young person.   And…when such acts of malevolency involve any innocent child, my gloves come off faster than a dress on prom night.

Is there any parent reading this who cannot identify with the horrors of middle school?   Sure, the nastiness presents itself as early as pre-school and into the elementary school platform;  our children have all experienced the wrath of the poorly-raised child who lashes out at others.  Mind you, I’m not including any child with a mental or physical disorder who may unwittingly exhibit difficult behaviors and has parents who diligently involve themselves with that child’s coping skills on a daily basis.

What I do constantly question are the parental units who fail at their jobs, especially in their evident inability to raise children with tolerance and kindness to others.  It all starts in the home and that is where all the blame for the evolution of a bully takes place. 

Yes, mom and dad…it starts with YOU!

Don’t feed me any bullshit about these tween years and all that goes along with the insanity being just a rite of passage.  That is nothing more than a lame excuse for parental laziness in not laying down the laws of decency to their spawn. 

  • When any parent refuses to meet a situation involving their child at least half-way with personal relationships as well as school performance in academics…they fail, the kids fail!
  • When a parent neglects to admit that their child behaves in ways that are hurtful to others, instead passing it off to “kids will be kids” crap…they continue to help the monster-mentality to flourish and, again…they fail, the kids fail!

Okay, Patty, time to cut to the chase about the basis of this rant.

Kid’s birthday parties…not always a happy event because of….parents!

Point:  One of my grandsons recently invited a group of friends to his party.  Out of ten invitations sent maybe three parents responded.  Three!!   Try and explain that ignorance to a little boy who was so looking forward to a day at the beach and a fun picnic with his school friends.  These dumb-assed parents just had to call or even e-mail with a simple “yes” or “no”…most did nothing.  

Know what?  You all suck!

Point:  More recently, another grandchild was excluded from being invited to a party of a close friend.  Others who were invited were cautioned…”not to tell.”  Stupid, stupid parents!  You all fail to realize that the very moment you tell a child not to do something, they will turn around and do the opposite.  Especially the little “cattylysts” in the group; the two-faced gossip-mongers who, even at young ages, take great delight in taunting other children any way they can.

“Cattylysts” is another of my coined words…ask before you borrow.

The mother responsible for this drama, of course, gave a predictable, pathetic, excuse about other kids also not being invited and that the parents of the kids who were included had no idea of who was…or wasn’t.  Really? 

It was a parent who passed the “no tell” warning along…to me!  Consider yourself snagged!

In the end, the above guilty mother feels that kids need to work on their own friendships, parents shouldn’t intervene.  Again, really?  Got news for you, tootsie…you are solely responsible for the quality of kid that you’re raising and the kind of relationships they involve themselves with.  A child that is being brought up to treat others decently does not perpetuate lies and gossip, causing Passive Bullying to spread like a disease.  A parent who doesn’t step in and monitor the friendships of their children is in for many unhappy surprises in the future as their kids will never grow to be truly productive human beings.  Sending children out into this twisted world with all this moral turpitude but without a structured sense of values speaks volumes about the overwhelming lack of parental responsibility in present times.

By all means, question the hatred in this world and wonder why people act as they do towards others.  

Then, go look in the mirror for your answers. 

