Apply here…

Milton Berle once said “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door” and, given the current situation involving finding employment, no matter how many doors one might build, opportunity is almost barricaded behind each one; sadly, I can speak with authority on that.

It seems that, since the “pandemic” came to town a few years ago, it took so many jobs away and forced countless businesses to either downsize or close completely. For a while, those who remained gainfully employed either worked from home or took major steps backward in the job field from the positions they once held. In time, once the virus-hysteria eased, people slowly eased back into the workplace or, in many cases, started venturing through the gauntlet of employment listings.

Carefully orchestrated cover letters accompanying lengthy resumes are usually submitted via email, often one after another for a particular position. The wording outlines the experience and capabilities of each hopeful applicant who submits them.

And then, the wait ensues, outside of one closed door after another, where no amount of knocking brings a receptive reply, regardless of what Uncle Miltie once said, except in one recent case, and I share that reply, “You have a very impressive resume but we are looking for someone with less experience, we’re sure we could not afford you.”

That being said, my mission involving “Apply here” continues…

From the Writer’s Workshop: Write a post in exactly 8 lines.


Life is a river…

Life is not just a mere existence, but a precious and intricate journey, a river, full of diverse experiences, opportunities, and lessons we learn along the way. This journey of life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns; it’s our responsibility to make the most of it.

Each of us has the privilege of being in a position where we can make a difference in the world, whether through volunteering, pursuing our passions or simply being a positive influence on those around us, we have the power to make a lasting impact.

This journey should be treasured and cherished as we embrace every opportunity, every experience, with open arms and never stop learning and growing in order to become the best versions of ourselves.

Each day brings a golden opportunity for new beginnings, chances to live a meaningful life as a door opens for learning and sharing. We all have talents, for one or many different things and, should failures happen, hopefully lessons are learned. Never stress over what isn’t good in life for some things are truly never meant to be. What doesn’t work out, regardless of our efforts, should prompt us to just dig in and make the best of it, eventually our hard work will help to achieve our goals and dreams.

Never forget that life is about doing good things and always paying it forward when possible. For all of us, life is a blessing and, until it ends one day, it remains a continuous, ongoing, process.

From the Writer’s Workshop: Write about something you learned in January. (Actually, my response was more about remembering much of what I never should have forgotten.)


The struggle continues…

Without respect and commitment in dead center of all shared viewpoints, arguments often follow and rally the wrong side of the human brain, sending out signals that we are in danger from the opposing side; confrontation then arises along with a flurry of hurtful comments, necessitating our need to respond aggressively, or just walk away.

Of course, the subject matter here is politics and, wherever we stand on the political coin, we dig our heels in, remaining loyal in our support, focused on those who promise to make and keep America what it should be. The hard work, however painful, with its many challenges, requires us to examine ourselves and our opposing, yet preciously held, viewpoints.

Let’s face it, one’s political affiliation has become a powerful way for people to assess who to be close to and who to avoid; family members caught in any of these heated conversations often need healing from the insurmountable divides which result. In our country, sweeping hysteria has impacted families with one side believing that the other is wrong, the opposing side calling the other deplorables; such attitudes are a destructive recipe for hurting families and undermining the needed rebuilding of our country.

There is a great deal of emotional pain when communication dies within a family and sadness lingers as a constant reminder of that conflict, whether justified or not, whether there is any rational sense or not; attempting to understand why someone cuts you off certainly will not bring a reversal. There are times things do not make sense, no amount of reasoning will help the situation and attempts by both sides to prove the other wrong is an exercise in futility, better to be seen as an ally, not an adversary. Becoming angry and aggressive creates a defensive situation, not a receptive one; far better to show that there is an understanding of an opposing perspective even if that differs from what you know or believe to be true, the struggle continues.

From the Writer’s Workshop: Write a post in exactly 8 sentences.
