Milton Berle once said “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door” and, given the current situation involving finding employment, no matter how many doors one might build, opportunity is almost barricaded behind each one; sadly, I can speak with authority on that.
It seems that, since the “pandemic” came to town a few years ago, it took so many jobs away and forced countless businesses to either downsize or close completely. For a while, those who remained gainfully employed either worked from home or took major steps backward in the job field from the positions they once held. In time, once the virus-hysteria eased, people slowly eased back into the workplace or, in many cases, started venturing through the gauntlet of employment listings.
Carefully orchestrated cover letters accompanying lengthy resumes are usually submitted via email, often one after another for a particular position. The wording outlines the experience and capabilities of each hopeful applicant who submits them.
And then, the wait ensues, outside of one closed door after another, where no amount of knocking brings a receptive reply, regardless of what Uncle Miltie once said, except in one recent case, and I share that reply, “You have a very impressive resume but we are looking for someone with less experience, we’re sure we could not afford you.”
That being said, my mission involving “Apply here” continues…

From the Writer’s Workshop: Write a post in exactly 8 lines.