This entire election process has impacted so many people with the campaign bitterness taking a toll on relationships across America. Behind closed doors, even immediate family members have become divided within their own home.
Of course, the latest TikTok viral trend has made light of it all by “canceling out” the votes from family members, calling out older family members for voting against their candidate. Such heated rhetoric during the election process means that conflict is a reality for many families and friends across our country. But, does it really have to be this way?
Our individual political views tend to be tied up in our identity and they are extremely emotional. It’s better to always set boundaries around inflammatory topics and be kind, be explicit when drawing lines around discussions that can become too heated.
Making every attempt to engage in respectful dialogue can also help disagreeing sides gain perspective; focusing on shared values can go a very long way in diffusing tension while taking a good look at the bigger picture. Politicians come and go but there will always be that family connection, no matter what happens.

From the Writer’s Workshop: Write a post in exactly 9 sentences.