Never again…

Although hatred often runs like an undercurrent in most human personalities, waiting to explode either defensively or offensively, it reached epic proportions in October after the horrific attack by Hamas against Israel. Most, if not all of us, have witnessed the horror involved this time and many times previously. This attack represented seven decades of war and conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, something I define as “ancient wars”. Whether based on territorial and religious issues, or both, this ongoing battle has drawn in outside powers and destabilised the wider Middle East.

These past days and weeks have brought forth an epidemic of protestors against Israel and the anger involved continues to spread, almost like an uncontrollable plague of denial and animosity. I’ve learned that due recognition must always be acknowledged as it pertains to the opposing sides of most situations, everyone has that right to be heard. But not in the manner we’ve been witnessing. In this case, thousands of college students have been displaying combative demonstrations under the so-called banner of protest while being completely indifferent as to current and historical facts surrounding the citizens of Israel. Sadly, I have also learned that the emotional state of individuals who engage in these protests share in a collective, fractured and one-sided behavioral response.

So, what else did I learn in October? On one hand, to maintain my respect for opposing opinions but with a focus on the facts, not hysteria; on the other hand, to feel empathy for all who are trapped and suffering as one more world crisis continues to unfold and worsen. It seems that some clashes will never be settled and honest agreement anywhere in the Middle East will never come to fruition, at least not in my lifetime.

The walls of ignorance and absolute abhorrence, currently surrounding those who demand Israel’s complete destruction, represent a return to a human nightmare, Hitler’s rampage against the Jews. Sadly, this vehemency is right here, a disease that is festering, in our towns and cities, marching on our streets and impacting Jewish communities with vandalism.

In the end, my one heartfelt response to what I have learned recently is to always remember, “Never again”.

From Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop…Tell us about something you learned in October.

A learned behavior…

Friday the 13th. Superstitions abound from not breaking mirrors, spilling salt, avoid walking by black cats, and more. Some people are so paralyzed by fear that they avoid any normal routine with engaging in business, taking airline flights, even just getting out of bed. This year, hatred is at the forefront and goes beyond references to the mythical Norse lore and from the biblical Last Supper.

This 13th of October, 2023, we are embedded as sickened onlookers to one more horrific event with part of our world now at war. The combative opinions of those professing different ideologies have designated a Day of Anger, gathering in countries and cities worldwide. The hatred being spewed by these factions does not stop, even for a moment, to share grief for those so brutally cut down by political and religious warfare, not even for the tiniest of victims who have suffered unimaginable ends to their precious lives. Regardless of chosen political or religious choices, how can anyone minimize, even ignore, such unspeakable human carnage?

When did hate become a predominant factor in life or do we personally pass off our “dislike” for people and events as a personal choice, maintaining our right to feel and say as we do? The majority of humans on this planet have moved beyond ancient dogmas based on genocide and destruction but, sadly, in certain geographical areas of our world, it’s inbred, within given populations, highly encouraged and taught, almost as a means of survival with a goal of achieving conquest over others.

We are, none of us, without fault or prejudice and it is impossible to comprehend deep-rooted animosities towards who and what we seek to control but cannot. Thus enters hate and all associated actions enmeshed in quests to obliterate portions of humanity. The ancient wars and beliefs from pages of history continue to be re-written and re-lived in a permanent chapter called “Hate”.

From Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop:Write a blog post inspired by the word: hate

Freedom of Speech…just choose your words carefully!

The riots recently in Charlottesville have created a climate of political turmoil and the questions on how any protest takes a turn into violent rioting.

Aside from what took place last week-end in Virginia, not all protesting ends in violence, in fact, the majority of protesting is done in a non-violent manner. With the right of free speech for citizens of our country, the chances of a peaceful protest do increase with the ability of people to protest freely. If you live in an authoritarian or oppressive environment, frustration and anger may tip any protest into a riot and become completely out of control.

Crowd psychology may also play into how protests grow into riots, and how those riots expand to other cities. When you are in a crowd, you are more likely to behave as others do, even if it is against your own personal belief system. And others’ behavior can be contagious–people get wrapped up in often bad behavior. Those with ulterior motives (looting, for example) take an opportunity in the midst of chaos to commit an anonymous act.

Then, we have militant, even subversive, groups like the KKK and any other so-called white supremacist organizations engaging in reprehensible behaviors under this given banner of both free speech and said right-to-protest, spewing hatred and racism with their actions. While protests are sometimes triggered by a social injustice towards an individual or group, what these militant groups are founded on go against the rights of all humans living in our country. Still, our constitution guarantees this right to protest and the results often bring a lethal outcome from groups for which antisocial behavior is the norm.  A sad commentary indeed for a country founded on freedom for all.


Taking into account this crowd psychology, those few violence-prone individuals can trigger a crowd of violent behavior. Groups afford people the anonymity to engage in behavior they wouldn’t engage in otherwise. A group’s behavior is more likely to help an individual justify going outside of their moral code.


As Americans, as decent human beings, we must condemn such behavior and come to the understanding that there is always fault on both sides of any issue based on behavioral psychology. The loss of any life is tragic but we all need to realize that any riotous situation can quickly become a war zone and the consequences can turn deadly. People rush to defend their right to speak and act freely and, with that, sensibilities and calmness are overtaken by anger.


From my perspective, the most damaging part of these situations is the fallout directed at our government and with each other, as differing opinions reach epidemic proportions in a quest to challenge so much of what cannot be changed. People demand political impeachment and resignation of our country’s president without truly realizing that they themselves are becoming engaged in this same crowd psychology of those haters who thrive on racism and violence.  
