Deep thoughts…

Not thinking about, or reacting to, most things in current times is an impossibility. At least for me and, of course, I think about this constantly.

Getting inside my head in search of the Off Switch is an exercise of futility, especially at three in the morning. It seems that each thought that I’ve done my best to compartmentalize allows me the same few hours of sleep before they start their nightly campaign to waken me. There’s no sense of order involved, not one predominant issue in the anxiety parade of nagging thoughts. They all come barrel-assing in at once.

We retire at night in anticipation of a restful few hours, not an easy task after watching the news, a movie or even reading a book. Sometimes, we carry the mental weight of work or personal matters with us to bed and any unpleasantries involved become unwelcome alarms in our sleep patterns. Each thought is part of us; conscious thoughts are controlled and unconscious ones may independently evaluate danger. This pretty much rules my sleep patterns, with a brain that’s focused on survival combined with a daily thought process which works endlessly to move past all that’s unpleasant.

My feeling is that thoughts are the consequence of what is and what has happened to us as well as the type of person we are. Our individual response to a given situation brings thoughts that are just some manifestation of our psyche and any specific situation which has taken place. Deep thoughts for some but not all. They’re just mine and I’m sticking to them.

From Writer’s Workshop..
.Share something that made you think this week.
